Saturday, July 26, 2008

And just for the heck of it, some Wii news too!

The posts just keep coming today...this is what happens when I actually have some time to step away from my work.

So I visited IGN for the first time in a while and saw that while the lineup for upcoming games for the Wii still looks a little thin, there were a couple of sequels that will be out soon that piqued my interest.

First, is Game Party 2. Now I'll be the first to admit that the first Game Party had some severe limitations that ruined what could have been potentially a very fun game. Since the potential was there, I'm willing to keep an open mind on the sequel, especially if they keep it at the $20 range that the first game sold for. It seems like they've fixed some things (create a character is better than choosy from the assortment of creepy hillbillies that you had in the first one) and added some interesting new games as well (Jarts! Cornhole!). You can check out a trailer for the new game (due out Sept. 30) below:

There is also going to be a quasi-sequel to Wii Sports, entitled Wii Sports Resort. The sporting competitions seem to have a beach theme to them (jetskiing, frisbee toss), which isn't entirely enticing. What is intriguing is that this game will be the first to use the new Wii peripheral, Wii Motionplus. Apparently, this add on will allow for more life like hand motions for the characters you are playing with (i.e. the character's wrist will angle like your wrist when throwing a frisbee). There are a lot of video from E3 on this new title and you can check all of them out here.

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