Thursday, July 17, 2008

Bond Countdown: Thunderball (1965)

Plot: The thrills never stop as Agent 007 (Sean Connery) goes above the call of duty - and to the bottom of the ocean - to track down a villainous criminal who's holding millions hostage and threatening to plunge the world into a nuclear holocaust!

Firsts: Opening scene revealed in gun barrell

Gadgets: Jet pack, underwater camera, geiger counter watch, minature breathing apparatus, homing device pill

Girls Bond slept with: Patricia Fearing, Fiona Volpe, Domino Derval

Elaborate murder attempt that Bond escapes (tie): Trapped in an enclosed swimming pool with sharks, trapped on a stretching machine set on full speed

Personal review: After the success of Goldfinger, the franchise's excesses begin to show in this installment. This one attempt to do everything that the previous films did, but on a larger scale. Sometimes this works, and other times it comes off looking ridiculous. What gets lost amongst all the gadgets and action is a decent story. The film tries to cover up it's simple 'steal a nuke and hold the world ransom' plot with a bunch of glitz and glamour. And while the eyepatch gives the film's primary villain, Largo, a cool factor, he'll go down as one of the dumbest Bond villains for failing to kill Bond despite numerous easy opportunities to do so. Domino, the main Bond girl in this one has been the most boring up to this point and had no chemistry with Connery. I was also disappointed to see Terrance Young back as director of this film (He directed the first two). The way he edits and paces his films do not compare with Guy Hamilton's direction in Goldfinger. A lot of the individual fights scenes look pretty bad as a result. However, the film is saved from all of it's ridiculousness with a badass underwater brawl between Largo's thugs and British secret agents. The scene is doubly impressive considering that you didn't see a lot of stuff like that in films back then. This one has its moments, but definitely lacks the quality and/or novelty that the previous films in the series had. 7/10

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