Monday, September 28, 2009

Premiere week report card (Thursday night)

Some quickie thoughts on how my favorite shows have fared in their season premieres.

Parks and Recreation: The show is definitely finding its groove in season 2. A lot of the actors seems to finally be grasping their characters, which is a good sign. The Office really flourished in its second season, so let's hope the same holds true here. I'm not crazy about them trying to pair up Ann and Mark, so let's hope that's fleeting. I'd also like to see them try and add another character as well. Perhaps Louis C.K.'s cop character who showed up in episode 2 is the answer. B+

The Office: Now in it's sixth season, this show's season premiere felt like old times. It was a simple, yet relatable situation that remained within the confines of the office. And most importantly, it was very funny. That gave me a lot of hope that this show is back on top. With Jim and Pam's upcoming nuptials, this could be a big season where the show either cements itself as a sitcom classic or potentially jumps the shark. Given how they've started, things are looking good. A-

Community: It's tough to judge pilots since they're so character driven. There was enough to like to keep me watching. The second episode continued to be a mixed bag. I like most of the cast, but their characters could still use some tweaking. In particular, I want to see Joel McHale's character be a bit more likeable. I'm not sold that this will be a winner, but I'm willing to stick it out a little longer to see where this is going. INC

Survivor Samoa: It's funny how they've spent so much time building up Russell as the biggest villain ever in Survivor history and yet there are several contestants that I like less than him this season. Yes, he may do some evil things, but I'll never criticize a guy for having a game plan. I'm not sure if his plan will make him the winner, but so far it's worked. And how crazy was it for him to find the idol with no clue. This guy is something else. Things have been so entertaining over in his camp, I sometimes forget that there's another tribe. And it seems the producers have as well. Seems like everyone's opinion of this season will depend on their feelings on Russell. For now, consider me entertained. B+

CSI: It's tough to stay relevant nearly a decade later, so CSI has their work cut out for them. I'll give them credit for trying their best. The 'attack' on their lab could have been overdone, but it was effective and made me care about the characters again. Bringing Sara back could have been done more smoothly, but it's still nice to have her around. I also liked the mini cliffhanger they did to end the show. That was a nice effort to generate my interest in the season. While it may not be appointment TV anymore, the opener proved it can still be very entertaining. B

Fringe: You could look at this show's return in two ways...1) Be disappointed that we haven't gotten a lot of answers to the questions posed in the season finale or 2) happy that they're dragging things out because they have a larger game plan and intend on being around for a while. For now, I'm comfortable waiting for answers as long as the show remains entertaining. Both the shape-shifting device and the mutant baby have provided interesting stories the past couple of weeks. The main cast has also developed a wonderful chemistry, so it's fun watching them interact every week. I'm not crazy about the new female FBI agent, so I hope she doesn't last. B+

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