Sunday, January 31, 2010

So long Coco

So I know I'm chiming in on this way late, but I obviously wanted to comment on the whole Leno/Conan debacle. Certainly everyone came out a loser in this situation. Conan got a raw deal, however, I can't say that I was overly thrilled with his Tonight Show. Conan felt completely out of place in L.A. So let's hope that he moves back to NY with whatever new show he decides to do. As for Leno, he comes off like the petulant brat who constantly needs to be coddled. Seeing NBC continue to cater to his unfunny ass is wholly depressing. Which brings me to NBC and their bungling of this situation. You'd like to think that hopefully they've learned their lesson after this, but given that they committed similar mistakes when Leno first took over the Tonight. I could continue ranting about this, but I think I'll let this video do a better job of summing up the situation. It appears that Conan has some powerful fans.

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