Friday, April 30, 2010

How about some hot Coco (news)?

Each day seems to bring us some new information regarding Conan O'Brien's new gig this November on TBS. Here's a summation...

-It's been confirmed that Conan will be staying in LA. Currently, they're trying to procure a lot near the Lopez Tonight set. I can't say I'm happy about this, but it's probably the more pragmatic decision.

-According to music legend Al Kooper who knows many members of Conan's band, he claims that band leader Max Weinberg will not be coming back when Conan starts his new show. If he's to be believed, the rest of the band will remain in tact, it's just Max who's not returning. It would be sad to see Max go, but there are enough other funny guys in that band (ie La Bamba) that seeing Max go wouldn't be the end of the world. You can read Kooper's interview where he makes these claims here.

-Finally, if you haven't heard, Conan can finally break his silence starting tomorrow (May 1) and will do it formally on Sunday when he's interviewed on 60 Minutes. It's sure to be an interesting piece, so be sure to tune in if you're curious about what he has to say about NBC and Jay Leno.

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