Tuesday, October 19, 2010

NMR: The Jonses

This was an little seen indie film from this past spring that drew me in due to its unique premise. David Duchovny and Demi Moore pose as a married couple that live with their two kids. The thing is, none of them are related. Instead, they are co-workers who's job it is to get everyone interested in buying all of the products they own without anyone realizing that they're actually salesmen. It's the ultimate soft sell. This idea only carries the film so far, though. The actual emotional crux of the film comes a little too late and what they offer is some typical dysfunctional family drama found in a lot of indie films. It's a shame they couldn't follow through with this idea. In a way, it seems like the concept may have worked better in a TV series than a single film, especially given how neat and tidy they tie things up here at the end. But the film is not a complete waste. The interest concept coupled with some decent acting from the leads, as well as reliable Gary Cole as one of the neighbors makes this worthwhile. It's nothing special, but it certainly will make you think twice about your own neighbors who seem to have it all. Rating: ***

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