Wednesday, December 29, 2010

NMR: Exit Through the Gift Shop

This movie really baffled me, but in a good way. I had heard a lot of good things about this documentary on street art, but didn't actually know a lot about it specifically. That lack of knowledge really altered the way I perceived this film. In fact for the first three quarters of the film, I didn't care for it at all. Then, just like a piece of abstract art, I finally started to get the film's purpose. And when I read more about the film afterwards and understood who was behind it and his purpose for making the film, I saw the whole thing in a completely different light. It's one of the few films that I would appreciate more on my second viewing. Like a similar documentary, My Kid Could Paint That, this film takes a critical look at what is art and how hype can change people's perceptions of what is good. If this is a subject matter that interests you at all, I would definitely recommend you check it out. Rating: ****

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