Wednesday, December 14, 2011

RBR: The Help

This is a movie I would normally pass over, but since it is generating some Oscar buzz and I can't resist anything that has Emma Stone in it, I decided to give it a watch. The Help takes a look at the lives of African American maids in the deep south during the 1960s. Emma Stone plays Skeeter, an enlightened young woman who wants to chronicle the plight of these women. The film has some terrific acting from Stone as well Viola Davis and Octavia Spencer, both of whom are likely going to receive some recognition this awards season. The cinematography of the film is very impressive as well giving it an authentic feel of like in 1960's Mississippi. The film's weakness, however is the narrative structure. Based on a popular novel by the same name, the story focuses on too many characters and as a result, you're not really sure who's story this really is. Stone, Davis and Spencer each go through character arcs that feel like they are the primary one, yet also feel underdeveloped. Meanwhile, there are several other subplots jammed in to the film that could have easily been excised in order to devote more time to the central story. There's also the issue with this being a very santized version of what real women went through. They do the bare minimum to get the point across of the deplorable treatment these women received. Realism can be a double-edged sword, however. A more accurate depiction is appreciate by some, but this sugar-coated version enables the film to be more mainstream. I liked this film more than I thought, but I would not go as far as to say its deserving of a best picture nomination. If the subject matter interests you or if you're a fan of any of the actors here, I'd say this is worthy of a rental. Rating: ****

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