Tuesday, February 7, 2012

RBR: Margin Call

Some may argue that its too soon to do a movie about the 2008 financial meltdown, but when I saw the previews for this film, I thought that this would be a real winner. It boasts an impressive cast featuring the likes of Kevin Spacey, Jeremy Irons, Paul Bettany, Zachary Quinto, Demi Moore, and Stanley Tucci. But despite the topical nature of the film and its stellar actors, this film fell flat for me. The film which takes place within about a 24 hour period centers around a fictious financial company who comes to realize that their economic infrastructure is about to collapse. To convey this the film is basically comprised of mini dialogues where characters fret about the ramifications of this while nervously staring at figures on a computer screen. Most of the cast do their best with their performances, but the dialogue is either stilted or convulted with financial jargon. There just was no energy behind what anyone said. For a moment in history that has created such an emotional reactions from everyone involved and affected, this film fails to capture that. As a result, you don't know how to feel about what you're seeing. The film doesn't really make you feel sad, or angry, or anything for that matter. I sat there passively waiting for someone to produce a rise out of me. While the film is not without some merit, I can't exactly recommend it. The few who would have an interest in seeing this subject be turned into a film will likely be bored by this dry adaptation of those events. I'm just thankful I waited until this was on Redbox and only paid a dollar to see it instead of paying money to see it in theaters or on VOD. Now that would have been a real financial crisis! Rating: ** 1/2

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