Thursday, November 22, 2012

RBR: That's My Boy

Watching an Adam Sandler film is a lot like eating Taco Bell after midnight. When you're young, you enjoy it even if you realize doing so offers you no nutritional value. But as you get older you continue to do it only to instantly regret the decision and realize how disgusting it is. Though I may be maturing, it seems as if Sandler is regressing with each film. His latest effort continues his recent run of disappointingly unfunny films. That's My Boy sees Sandler attempt more R-rated fare and it doesn't help matters. Sex jokes and bodily function humor are used with wreckless abandon in hopes of covering up for a flimsy plot. Sandler plays a deadbeat dad who impregnated his teacher when he was in junior high. Now that his son (Andy Samberg)is grown up and ready to get married himself, he tries to reconnect with him in order to get some money from him. Of course, in staying with him he learns what it means to be a good father (sort of) and everyone lives happily ever after. While the plot slogs along from one obvious point to another, the humor is so crass and off the wall, that no one could see it coming a mile away - primarily because it requires a sick mind to think incest jokes are ever a good idea. At this point, it seems like the best thing for Sandler is for me and everyone to stop watching films like this to help him see he needs to put a better effort into what he's offering the viewing public. Otherwise, audiences will continue to suffer through 'fouth meal' entertainment like this. Rating: * 1/2

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