Friday, December 21, 2012

RBR: The Watch

Originally called Neighborhood Watch, this film got off to a bad start before it was even released thanks to the Trayvon Martin case. If the film had been any good, all would have been forgotten. Instead, this is a lazy effort that makes one bad decision after another with regard to plot and character development. Ben Stiller playing yet another version of the high strung good guy establishes a neighborhood watch after a security guard at the Costco he runs is mysteriously murdered. He puts together a ragtag group of vigilantes that include Vince Vaughn, playing another version of his fast-talking schlub, and Jonah Hill, playing another version of his smart aleck who puts up a tough act. If there had been a realistic threat endangering the town, then there could have been some fun in seeing this cast of characters patrolling the streets. Instead, they opt to take the science fiction route and have the threat be aliens. There's nothing fresh about this angle and the attempt at mixing genres simply doesn't work. There are some laughs peppered throughout the film, but those exist simply because it's impossible for there not to be a few laughs when you have a cast like this. For the most part, however, this is an uninspired comedy that probably isn't worth your time, even as a rental. Rating: ** 1/2

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