Friday, November 22, 2013

RBR: World War Z

I put the blame for how horrible Quantum of Solace was squarely on director Marc Forster. As a result, I had decided that I would not watch or support any future film he would do. But with enough time having passed and with a lack of better options at the time at Redbox, I decided to check out his latest film, the zombie apocalypse thriller, World War Z. This is not necessarily a genre I am particularly fond of, but when it offers something interesting, like the comedic take in Zombieland, I take somewhat of an interest. This is an adaptation from a popular book, but from what I understand it takes some significant liberties with the story. Brad Pitt stars as a former UN worker who gets roped back in to help find a way to solve this zombie problem. I give the film a lot of credit in that it does not waste any time in getting into the action and frenzy. Once it starts, it really doesn't stop until the end credits roll. Along the way we get a number of decent set pieces, but nothing really revelatory about zombies or why they've suddenly started attacking the planet. The end result is probably the most mainstream version of a zombie film that you will ever see. For those who loves these films, this will likely come off as a disappointment, but for those who know nothing of the 'walking dead', this is probably a good entry point. Forster's work does nothing to make me reconsider my stance of what he did on Solace, but I am certainly more open to seeing other films from him in the future. Rating: *** 1/2

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