Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Happy Anniversary!!

Adam's Sound Blogic in this current incarnation turns 1 year old today. A lot has gone down in the past year and I've done my best to document it all. Here's hoping to many more prosperous years of ranting and raving about everything that's on my mind. Although, if I'm to believe the scholars at the conference I attended last weekend, I should shut this site down right now because I have no chance of ever getting tenure if I'm a blogger. I try to tell myself though that they are just old fashioned and need to catch up with the times.

Anyways, happy anniversary to the blog and I'll drink a beer to that. And with the way the Indians are playing tonight, I'll probably could use more than one. Ugh.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations. Wow, it really doesn't seem to have been a year, but then again, I've been at Mazer 1 year and 2 months. Sorry I'm not commenting as much as I'd like. Work keeps me very busy.