Saturday, April 19, 2008

NMR: Quiz Show

Had I been older when this was released, I likely would have seen it then. As it is, I'm just now getting around to seeing this film dealing with the Twenty-One game show scandal of the late 1950s. This is a very well-made film on a subject that I find fascinating. I particularly am struck by the fact that Charles Van Doren became the scapegoat in the whole scandal and the network escaped from the situation virtually unscathed. I really like Ralph Finnes' portrayal of Van Doren as he does a good job of making you understand his actions in this complicated situation.

As good as this film is, I can't help but think how much better, or perhaps more authentic, this movie would be if it were made today. While it is an enjoyable film, I was always cognizant of the fact that it was a movie. I never felt like I was taken back to the 1950s with this film. I think with today's visual effects and perhaps a more visionary director (this was directed by Robert Redford), this could have been even more impressive. Still, this is a film that is a must see for anyone who is interested in this subject and highly recommended for those who simply enjoy good films. Netflix rating: ****

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