Tuesday, May 20, 2008

NMR: Quick recap

So with as much as I've been doing for school lately, plus being up in Cleveland all last week, I haven't been able to watch much through Netflix lately.

However, in preparation for the new one coming out this week, I did rent the first three Indiana Jones movies again recently. I had not seen them in a long time, so I'm glad I watched them again. Overall, I'm not a huge fan of the movies. I'm not sure what it is, but this franchise doesn't captivate me like a lot of others ones do. Having said that, I think, oddly enough, that Last Crusade is the best of the bunch. It includes everything that should be in a film like that and Sean Connery was a welcome addition to the cast. It's a shame that he's retired now and couldn't be lured into making a cameo for the new one. Raiders is solid, but because so much of that movie has been parodied in other shows and films, it's hard to appreciate it in the same way as when it first came out. The worst of the bunch was Temple of Doom, which it seems is the consensus dud. We never see the professorial side of Indiana in that movie and both the female lead and Short Round are really annoying. There are a few decent action sequences, but not enough to put it on par with the other two films. Given their classic status, I'll grade these higher than I might have if they were new films.
Raiders: ****
Temple: ***
Last Crusade: ****

I also saw United 93, which is a terrific film, subject matter aside. But because it deals with such a horrific event, I could never in my right mind watch it again. If you feel you can handle it, I would definitely recommend you see it. Netflix rating: *****

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