Monday, July 20, 2009

Lost's burning questions

Shortly after the end of season 5, the folks at Entertainment Weekly asks their readers to send in their "Top 3 Lost Mysteries You Absolutely Need to See Resolved in Season 6". From the fans' responses, EW has put together the 15 most popular questions listed here:

15. What are The Whispers?
14. What's Libby's backstory?
13. What's the complete Dharma backstory?
12. Where did the Others come from?
11. Do all the castaways have a secret connection?
10. Who are Adam and Eve?
9. What's the significance of The Numbers?
8. Why are there Egyptian ruins on the Island?
7. Where are stewardess Cindy and the kids?
6. What is the Island, anyway?
5. What happened to Claire?
4. What was up with Walt?
3. What is the Monster?
2. Who is Jacob?
1. Why doesn't Richard Alpert age?

OK, so now I ask all of you - what is the likelihood of any or all of these questions being answered in the final 18 episodes? And are there any other questions that you want to see answered that did not make this list.

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