Thursday, October 6, 2011

Finding the right Touch

So I realize we're just a few weeks into the new fall schedule, but there's already buzz surrounding a new show scheduled to come out next spring. It's called Touch and it stars Keifer Sutherland as the father of a 10-year old boy who has never uttered one word in his entire life. I've posted a trailer for the show below. Right now I'm having a lot of mixed feelings about it. On one hand, I love Keifer Sutherland and am anxious to see what he does as a follow up to 24. I also think that the story has a lot of potential. What's concerning me is that the man behind this show is Tim Kring, the creator of Heroes. That too started off very cool, but we quickly learned with that show that an interesting story means nothing if it doesn't have a sufficient payoff. Since we are still several months away from its debut, that gives us plenty of time to ponder the prospects of this show's quality. Feel free to chime in yourself in the comments section. Is this the next sci-fi smash? Or just another promising story about mystical numbers that turns out to be nothing more than hokum?

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