Tuesday, August 14, 2012

RBR: American Reunion

I have a special affinity for Jim, Stifler, and the rest of the East Great Falls gang given that like them I too am a Class of '99. So I was really happy to see everyone (and I do mean everyone, unlike some of the sequels) back for this latest adventure. Each of the main players has a storyline and I appreciated how true they stayed to character. Despite a new director and writer, there is a clear appreciation for the original film and making sure that this sequel does it justice. And while there are plenty of sex jokes and gross-out gags, there is a realization on both the characters and the filmmaker's end that they cannot be doing the same things that they did in high school. The characters have (mostly) matured and in real life there have been other films which have taken the R-rated comedy crown. While some may criticize this film for not being able to sufficiently up the ante, I was perfectly all right with that. What this film does is give us a new glimpse into the lives of these characters that we've come to love, while still providing a hearty dose of laughs. In terms of the American Pie films, this is a significant upgrade over the disappointing Wedding film, but probably doesn't rank as high as either of the first two films. Those is truly a film specifically for those who love this franchise. If, like me, you're one of those people, then you'll really enjoy revisiting these characters one more time. Rating ****

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