Monday, November 5, 2007

And they're off...

I can't say how glad I am to see the Amazing Race back on TV. It truly is an underrated reality show (although not in terms of Emmys, of which it has won 5 in a row). And as one team put it last night, it's also a love letter to the planet. Even in this, it's 12th season, they're still exploring new places that are fun to view as the watcher. For instance, last night's episode spent most of the time in Ireland and showcased it in all its emerald glory.

But of course, the show lives and dies by its team. It's clear we have another ecclectic group of racers this time around, but I'm not sure if there's anyone I immediately wanted to root for. There are your requisite bickering couples, (Nathan looks like he's going to be particularly brutal to his partner) as well as your eccentric couples (Goths! Lesbian ministers!!) The ones I find most interesting though are the familial pairings; this season has a brother/sister, father/daughter, and a grandfather/grandson. These teams never seem to do well, so I'll be quasi-rooting for them to at least go far.

While I can't get a beat on most of the teams, I can say with certainty that I was glad to see Ari and Staella be the first team eliminated. I've grown tired of the catty homosexual reality show contestant, so seeing Ari get the boot is fine by me.

So am I the only one watching this show or does anyone else have thoughts on the new season. Share anything you want, even if it's to bitch about how football is once again constantly going to screw with trying to DVR this show.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm not watching it. My reason has nothing to do with content...other than it's not actually a show about a race. My reason is that football always shifts the start time of the show, which my DVR can't catch. It catches the scheduled start time. I don't know if TIVO is smart enough to adjust, but I don't watch anything in real time anymore expect the news.