Monday, November 26, 2007

Lost without Lost??

If you've been struggling these past six months without any new episodes of Lost and can't bare the thought of waiting another 3 (or more depending on how the strike plays out), there may be a little hope for you. The show is currently releasing webisodes on a weekly basis. These are short movies which give a little bit more info on our favorite castaways. These aren't deleted scenes from old episodes, but rather new content which is meant to fill in some holes about these characters. There are currently two up, one involving a Jack flashback and the other related to Hurley. They aren't much, but I guess they are better than nothing. I believe new ones will be posted every Monday. You can view them here: Lost webisodes

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Better than nothing, yes. I don't know that I can say more about them though, but it's true we've only seen a couple. Jack and Ben, this is ok. Hurley's, though, didn't fill in anything for me. It actually makes me feel less secure about those things that should have been straight-forward. Go figure.