Saturday, February 23, 2008

The next time you see me, I may weigh 300 lbs.

For those of you who have visited me before, you'll know that my apartment shares the same space with a strip of stores. There a grocery store, video store, dry cleaners, etc. Well recently, they tore out a bunch of the parking spaces from this shopping area and they were building something new, which of course piqued my curiousity. As the building started to get erected, it looked like it was going to be a gas station. Not very exciting, but I was at least excited about the possibility of not having to go far to get gas.

However, I learned yesterday that I was wrong. Instead of a gas station going in there, they are putting in a Sonic restaurant. This is the first one of this chain in this area as far as I can tell. Now I have never been to a Sonic before, but based on their awesome commercials, which make everything look amazing and from high recommendations from friends who have actually been to one, I cannot wait to try it out. If it's as good as it looks, I could be in trouble. I may have to start doing laps around my complex before running over there, just so I can keep my already amazing physique.

But as excited as I am for its arrival, I hope it doesn't open for another month or so because I gave up all fast food for Lent. I feel like Beau Bridges in Airplane..."Looks like I picked the wrong time to give up fast food".

If anyone has any recommendations for what I should get from there, please let me know!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Get ready to spend a lot of time in your bathroom. I frequented a Sonic several times in Mobile before I graduated college. Good food, but it smacks your gut. Get a dog with lots of chili. Mmm, good.