Thursday, August 21, 2008

Another year, another new crop of faces

So as I joked on my Facebook page, today marks my 23rd first day of school. And hopefully my last in terms of being a student. As I've remarked before, there's still something about the first day of school that gets me excited. I could barely sleep last night, which wasn't a good thing since I'm teaching an 8:30am course this year.

And while a lot of today is very familiar, there are a couple of new twists on this school year that I'm particularly looking forward to. First, I'm not taking any classes. It's just data collection and dissertation writing. I'm not sure if I'm getting a fair trade off on that. We shall see. The other thing that I'm really excited about is that for the first time, I'll be teaching a class of primarily students that I've already had before. They were a good group of students and it's nice that they valued me enough to want to take me again.

Well I can't blather on for too much longer, it's about time I go manipulate, I mean, mold some young minds.

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