Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Then, 'Just Say No'; Now, just laugh

So I stumbled upon this pretty cool site which has created the list of the 10 Greatest Anti-Drug Cartoons. Of course, all of these come from the 80s during the height of the war on drugs. The list not only includes descriptions of the episodes, but also videos from the episodes as well. Not surprisingly, most of the entries are pretty hilarious; both for general cheezy nature of these 80s cartoons and for their blatant sermonizing on the evils of drugs.

I will say, however, that I was glad to see the C.O.P.S. episode on that list. For whatever reason, that episode had a lasting impression on me after I saw it as a kid. That episode was legitimately creepy with the drug dealer who looked like the Cryptkeeper from Tales From the Crypt and the fact that there could potentially be drugs that could be absorbed through the skin. I grew up worrying I would someday accidentally falls on drugs like that and overdose. So maybe these cartoons were more affective than they appear.

Anyways, if you want a good flashback to the 80s and also learn some valuable lessons, click the link below.

The 10 Greatest Anti-Drug Cartoons

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