Sunday, January 4, 2009

NMR: Where in the World is Osama Bin Laden?

I should learn never to make declarative statements again. The other night I told a friend that I've never seen a bad documentary and sure enough two days later, I stumble upon one. This is directed by Morgan Spurlock, the man behind the immensely entertaining and eye-opening documentary, Super Size Me. None of those qualities are found in this film, however. Concerned about bringing a baby into such a scary world, Spurlock sets off for the Middle East in search of the elusive terrorist. It's pretty obvious he won't find him, otherwise he probably still wouldn't be alive. But the film isn't really about finding Bin Laden, instead it showcases Muslim people and how they don't actually hate Americans, just American policy. Wow, really? This film doesn't break any ground and proves to be rather pointless. With no real insight revealed, this simply becomes a really bad vacation video. Unless like Bin Laden, you've been living in a cave for the past 8 years, there's nothing you'll learn by watching this movie. Rating: **

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