Thursday, February 26, 2009

NMR: 2 for 1

Here's the latest from my Netflix viewings...

In Bruges: A small film that came out around this time last year. It got a lot of rave reviews and even had an Oscar nomination for its screenplay, however I just couldn't get into it. It stars Colin Farrell and Brendan Gleeson (Mad Eye Moody in the Harry Potter films) as a couple of hitman who are trying to lay low in Bruges (hence the title). There were several times in the film where I could recognize what the director was trying to do, but I just wasn't buying it. Maybe I just wasn't in the right mood or maybe it's for a different audience, but for whatever reason I just didn't enjoy this. If you've seen it, feel free to tell me why this film is supposed to be good. Rating: **

The Hunting Party: An odd film that turned out to be pretty good. It stars Richard Gere and Terrence Howard as a couple of journalists who are in Bosnia looking for an infamous war criminal, The Fox. The beginning of the film there is a disclaimer that only the most ridiculous parts of the movie are real and then at the end of the movie they show you what in fact actually did happen. For most people, they may have trouble enjoying a film about the Bosnian conflict, but if you stick with it, it's a decent thriller that also has a fair amount of laughs. It's not the conventional type of film I would enjoy, but I liked it nonetheless. Rating: ***

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