Sunday, July 4, 2010

NMR: Genre du jour - 90s sci-fi

I don't know what it is about Dayton, but ever since I've moved back, my Netflix service has been lacking. I don't get new releases immediately like I used to when I was in NC. As a result, I've been catching up on a lot of older movies that I never had a chance to see when they were first released. Today, it's a pair of science fiction films from the 90s.

Stargate: It's a wonder how there have been multiple, successful spin-offs television shows given how underwhelming I thought this movie was. Everything pretty much felt phoned in here. They started off with an interesting concept (finding a portal that can send you through time to different universes) and then did nothing with it. I felt like I could predict how everything would play out well before it happened. This movie seemed to just borrow ideas from other, more successful sci-fi films and try to pass them off as fresh. I would imagine most of the visual effects look good for the day, but now they come off looking bad as well. A definite disappointment here. Though I've never seen an episode of the spin-off shows, it sounds like everyone would be better to just watch them instead. Rating: **

Demolition Man: Starring Sly Stallone and Wesley Snipes, this is one loud, noisy sci-fi/action picture. On one hand, I'd like to credit them for some inventiveness in the way they depict the future as this utopian, pacifist place, but I found the execution of this idea to be irritating after a few minutes. There are also some subtle jabs at 90s culture in the film, but sadly those feel dated now. Once you strip that away, you're left with the action sequences between Stallone and Snipes which were run-of-the-mill and unengaging. I wish I could have liked this film better, but time has not aged it well. Rating: **

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