Monday, July 5, 2010

NMR: The Wolfman

This oft delayed film turned out to be not as bad as I feared. While it covers a lot of familiar territory (let's face it this isn't an original idea), I give director Joe Johnson for giving this film a great look. The way he depicts foggy old England creates an eerie atmosphere that is perfect for this film. Benecio Del Toro is fine as the Wolfman and Anthony Hopkins hams it up as Del Toro's father in a way that only he can do. Emily Blunt is beautiful as always, however I didn't necessarily buy the romance they try to create between her and Del Toro. As for the action, for every scene that's done effectively, there's another scene that comes off very cheesy. In the end, this will probably only be appreciated by those who enjoy films from this genre. Rating: ***

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