Wednesday, September 15, 2010

NMR: Cop Out

A total misfire here. I don't know how such talented people could produce such a loser, but they did. None of director Kevin Smith's unique style appears in this film. Tracy Morgan's antics are more grating than hilarious. And Bruce Willis seems completely bored out of his mind. I really think it was a mistake to cast him here since all it does it urge the audience to compare this lousy performance to Willis' prior great cop roles. This comedy about a pair of mismatched cop partners out to solve a crime involving a stolen baseball card tries to make fun of the cop film cliches, but ends up being just a poor man's version of classics like Beverly Hills Cop or 48 Hours. The film lacks compelling villains and fails to give the story any sense of urgency. There are a few stray laughs here or there, but for the most part this thing just plods around from scene to scene until it reaches its inevitable conclusion. Do yourself a favor and just watch The Other Guys instead. Rating: **

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