Sunday, June 12, 2011

NMR: Jackass 3D and 3.5

This shouldn't even be labeled as a Netflix movie review since I saw neither of these through Netflix. Jackass 3D was available at the beginning of March and three months later, despite being at the top of my queue that entire time, it still hadn't arrived. So I just gave up and got it immediately through Redbox. Then Jackass 3.5 was already on television this past weekend, even though it's not even available yet through Netflix. Needless to say, Netflix isn't winning me over these days.

As for the movies, this is about what you would expect. Jackass 3D is one of the few films that I probably should have seen in 3D. These guys do a nice job of crafting a lot of their stunts around the technology and maximizing its usefulness. It's not to say that they can't be enjoyed on the small screen, but I think you definitely lose something - especially for stunts like recreating the Rocky punch, which involves dosing an unsuspecting with a cup of watch and then punching them in the face. Even if you can't watch it in 3D, there are still plenty of horrifying, hilarious, and somehow creative dares that the gangs has on display here. Stunts like beehive tetherball and taser obstacle course make you laugh, wince, and look on in awe all at the same time. It's impressive the way these guys can continue to find fresh ways of torturing their bodies.

In Jackass 3.5, you basically get the leftovers that they couldn't fit in the regular movie. There are still a handful of gems here. But this is also nice because it allows us to also gain a bit more insight into each of these guys and their collective friendship. I think what makes this franchise still so appealing, even after 10 years, is that oddly enough they still seem to enjoy inflicting pain on both themselves and each other. It proves the old adage that getting hit in the nuts is always hilarious. I don't know how much more abuse these guys can take, but as long as they are willing, I'll be there to watch. Rating: Jackass 3D - **** Jackass 3.5 *** 1/2

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