Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Pawnee - First in friendship, fourth in obesity

Love Parks and Recreation? Well get ready for more goodness from our favorite town in Indiana. On October 4th, a 'guide' to Pawnee will be released written by Leslie Knope. If it's half as good as the Pawnee, Indiana website, then this will be amazing.

Here's more on the book from Variety:
“Pawnee: The Greatest Town in America,” a 240-page book from the point of view of Amy Poehler’s “Parks and Recreation” lead character Leslie Knope, will be published Oct. 4 by NBCUniversal Television Consumer Products Group and Hyperion Publishing.

The book will focus on the fictional town’s history, expanding on and adding to events alluded to on the show, such as its long list of ridiculous town slogans and ongoing racoon infestation.

“The ever-expanding town of Pawnee has become its own character in our show, and we're thrilled that we got to accelerate that expansion in one giant, goofy 240-page comedy book,” said exec producer Mike Schur, who might have had a hand or three in writing the tome.

Added Poehler: "Mike Schur asked me to contribute to this book. I missed the deadline. I am regretting that now."

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