Friday, April 13, 2012

The doctor is in!

So as I indicated earlier this week, I had big news and I can now officially announce that I successfully defended my doctoral dissertation and can now officially be known as Dr. Gutschmidt. It is a surreal feeling to say the least. This has taken me a long time and I am so proud, yet relieved that it is over. For all of my readers that personally know me, thanks so much for the support and motivation throughout this whole experience. And perhaps the better news for those of you that follow this blog regularly, this should mean more frequent posting from here on out as my schedule should significantly lighten for the time begin. Once my dissertation is error free and published, I'd be happy to share a copy with anyone interested in reading it. If you weren't aware, my study was on the usage of Facebook as a learning management system in higher education. I won't go so far as to say it's revolutionary, but I do believe it's an interesting read if you're into that subject. Anyways, I don't talk about myself too much on here and I don't want that to change now, but this was one opportunity I couldn't stay quiet on. Thanks for letting me share.

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