Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Monday Premieres

I'm hoping that my TV thoughts won't typically be posted this late, but with Mon. and Tue. being my busy days, it's hard to tell. Anyways, here are my thoughts...

I gave my thoughts on Chuck and Journeyman already in my pilot preview, so I won't talk about them, but they will be included starting next week. Here's hoping that some of you got to see them as they are both high on my list.

How I Met Your Mother: With The Office a stable hit and 30 Rock winning the Emmy, it looks like I'll have to push harder for people to start watching this show. Their return was a welcome one and they came out firing with a hilarious premiere. The beginning and end of the show provided some great continuity moments from last season. As for the primary story, it was great to see how Ted was grieving over his breakup with Robin. His various beards and his friends witty remarks about them made for an awesome scene. I also loved everybody mocking the name of Robin's new boyfriend, Gael (Gail? Girl?) Mandy Moore was a good guest star and it was fun to see her play against type. And after all that, there was still a ton of hilarity over the fact that Ted drunkenly got a tramp stamp. I'm sure they'll make more references to that throughout this season. About the only negative is the fact that I wish Ted and Robin were still together. They just seem like such a good fit. If the producers are intent on having someone else be the "mother", they better do a hell of good job casting someone or else you're going to have a whole lot of pissed off fans.

Heroes: Mixed emotions about the premiere. On one hand, it was great to have (almost) the whole gang back. But everyone was seemingly so sad throughout the episode, it was tough to enjoy it. Hiro's image of his hero was ruined. Claire hates having to be unextraordinary. HRG is actually having to work at a paper factory. Nathan's life is in the toilet. And on, and on.

But with their sadness came the development for some interesting storylines. First, casting Stephen Tobolowsky (Ned Ryerson!) as the acting head of the Company is just awesome. Plus, they gave him a sweet power (the Midas touch!!). Double awesome for the fact that HRG has Suresh trying to infiltrate the Company. There's nothing better than a motivated Noah Bennet, er, Butler. We also have a (new?) killer on our hands who seems intent on killing the older generation of Heroes (RIP Sulu, you will be missed). There certainly were clues that Nathan left the notes for Mr. Nakamura and Mrs. Petrelli, but they wouldn't be that obvious, would they? Speaking of Nathan, what exactly was going on when he saw the scarred figure in the mirror? And of course, we can never talk about Nathan without also talking about Peter, who finally showed up at the end of the hour. His appearance was a mixed bag in itself. Yay to the haircut and awesome new lightning bolt power, boo to the cliched amnesia angle. Let's hope he regains his memory quickly.

We also got a glimpse at some new Heroes. I was glad they provided a little extra backstory to Maya and Alejandro in this past week's online graphic novel, but it's still unclear what exactly her power is. Still, being able to cause that much destruction has got my interest peaked. Also, does her power only occur when she's seperated from her brother? Kind of like the Wonder Twins in reverse. Kensei didn't really do much of anything for me, but if he ends up having a power himself, it could be interesting. Still, I'd much prefer Hiro back in real time with his buddy Ando. Finally, we didn't get to see much with them, but I'm hoping they do something cool with the Irish mobsters who found Peter.

I can't believe I haven't even talked about Parkman or Molly yet. I'll have to talk more about them next time. I will say that their situation sounds like a bad episode of My Two Dads. Also, it seems unrealistic that Parkman would be where he is just four months later (divorced, adopted Molly, recovered from four shots to the chest, and made detective in New York?!?)

MIA thus far are Niki, DL, Micah, Syler, the Haitian, Claude the Invisible Man, Hana Gitleman, and Candice. Some look like they'll be back next week. Others we may not see for a long time or perhaps even, never again. Only time will tell. One thing's for sure, it's great to have our Heroes back!


Anonymous said...

Heroes: True, true. There was something missing. Wasn't Matt's wife pregnant? I thought things were on the mend between them? What's with the flying peeping tom? Isn't this like super-power incest? Your father flies, so you date a guy that flies? I think Mohinder needs to perform some genetic tests on that before our dear Claire gives birth to babies with feathers and ears on their stomachs. What's with Maya? Who cares? Based on last night, I think it's just the producers trying to say, "Here we are. We don't discriminate. We have people who speak asian languages and now latino/latina." Give me a super break. Why do I care so much about Noah's daytime job? Now if we're going to be visiting that set over and over, then ok, maybe we need to see it. Otherwise, it's just funny for funny's sake, which isn't enough for me. And don't we have a "shorter" season? We're wasting time.

Adam Gutschmidt said...

"And don't we have a 'shorter season? We're wasting time."

On the contrary, we're getting a full 23 episode season, plus those extra Heroes: Origins episodes.

I think the whole Copy Kingdom stuff was included to show that Claire wasn't the only one in her family who was suffering in their new living situation. Then again, maybe there will be more to it than we know. Perhaps that annoying boss will turn out to be an employee of The Company.

Matt's wife was pregnant and they were trying to patch things up, so something else must have happened over those four months. Maybe they learned that the baby wasn't Matt.

Anonymous said...

Well that's good, then, about the standard season. For some reason I thought Heroes would lose out episodes to Origins.