Friday, September 21, 2007

Thursday Night TV

Boy does it feel good to be blogging about new television again. As much fun as I had this summer, there was still a part of me missing without my favorite shows. Tonight marked the official kickoff to the new season for me as Survivor returned with a new crop of castaways.

Based on tonight's episode, I have a feeling that the locale will be more appealing than the contestants this season. Everything about the environment and how the show connected with its culture was very cool. The opening ceremonial stuff was kept low-key and reverent, although some didn't appreciate it as much as others.

As for the castaways, there's no one I immediately gravitated toward. Even worse, there were quite a few that really annoyed me. Interestingly, most of the people who gave me bad vibes in the introductory online videos before the season began ended up being the ones who I didn't care for in this episode either: Ashley (didn't care for her as a WWE diva, still don't like her), Dave (the "former model" who thinks way too highly of himself and pulled an asshole move by lying to Ashley that her being ill wouldn't cause people to vote for her), Denise (aka She-mullet), and Courtney (who was copping a 'tude the entire episode because people weren't acting like they do in her beloved New York City).

Sadly, I put points on these four and it turned out to be Chicken who got voted off, in a move that threw me for a loop. It's not that Chicken didn't have his flaws; his complete 180 from leader to being a non-commital wussbag was annoying. But not voicing an opinion seems like a lesser offense than pathetically lying around all day (Ashley) or barking out orders like a commandant (Feih-gee). In general, I think this tribe is going to be losing quite a bit, which is a shame since I much prefer when the Tribes are evenly matched.

I think the biggest surprise of the night though was James, the grave digger. The token black guy has historically been lazy, yet charismatic. James is the complete opposite of that as he is a quiet beast. If he can work on his social game, he has a chance to dominate this game in the likes of Tom or Yul.

In general, it's just good to have Survivor back. It may not be watercooler TV any more, but it's equivalent to comfort food. No matter how many times you've had, you always welcome another serving.

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