Saturday, May 23, 2009

NMR: Good cop, bad cop

Frequency: This is another one of those movies where I felt like I had seen all of it before in pieces, so I wanted to finally watch it straight through. I was able to look past any inconsistencies with the time travel aspect of this film and appreciate it for the good job it does at creating an emotional bond between father and son. I'm sure there isn't one person out there who wouldn't want a chance to communicate with someone in the past with the hope of changing the future for the better. Good performances by Dennis Quaid, Jim Caviezel, and Lost's Elizabeth Mitchell made this an enjoyable film. Rating: ****

Paul Blart: Mall Cop: This should have died a quick death at the box office, but for some reason turned into a rare hit January movie. Now having seen it, I can't figure out for the life of me why it was so successful. The film looks so effortless, and that isn't a compliment. The plot is a rehash and they opt for simple cliched jokes. Like we couldn't tell from nine seasons of The King of Queens that Kevin James is fat. Now I like Kevin James and think he is funny. I also think the concept of the mall cop is one worthy of exploring, but this film capitalized on neither of those things. The rest of the cast is woefully underdeveloped and wasted in this junk. For some reason though audiences love watching simpletons overcome even dumber criminals (see Home Alone). I can't wait for the inevitable sequel to see how they 'top' themselves. Rating: **

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