Tuesday, May 19, 2009

NMR: What a croc!

I've got two more Netflix reviews that I'm combining with the weakest of connections; even though these films are wildly different, they both have scenes with killer alligators.

Eraser: One of Ah-nuld's attempts to keep himself relevant as the 90s were coming to an end. This one is just riddled with action movie cliches. I was spouting lines before the actors had a chance to save them. There are a few cool action sequences though, especially for the time, and the rail gun was neat. Perhaps the most preposterous thing in the movie is one of the final climatic scenes which involves 20+ guys shooting at Arnold, yet no one is able to hit him. Give me a break. I wish this movie was erased from my mind. The movie is 13 years old now, I'm allowed to make that pun again. Rating: **

Adapatation: The best way to describe this bizarre film is to say that if you saw and liked Being John Malkovich, you'll enjoy this film as well. This is a very meta-film about the process of screenwriting that used real people in a fictional story. This film can be equally engaging and frustrating. It produces a lot of interesting ideas, but you really have to stay focused to keep up with the story. I need to give special praise to Chris Cooper, who is just tremendous in this film and totally deserved the Oscar he won for this role. If you make the effort to watch this film, you'll be rewarded with a completely unique film experience. Rating: ****

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