Saturday, June 13, 2009

Beer and loathing in Las Vegas

It's been killing me not getting a chance to see any of the summer movies thus far, but that finally ended last night when I got a chance to see one of the few movies that is actually exceeding expectations this summer, The Hangover.

This is the new film from director Todd Phillips (Old School) about four guys who go to Vegas for a bachelor party and wake up the next day with the worst hangovers ever not remembering any of the destruction that they now see around them. Worst of all, the groom-to-be (played by Justin Bartha) is nowhere to be found. As is the case in most of Phillips' films, he has once again cast actors that may not be well known, but are perfect for the roles they're playing. Bradley Cooper (Wedding Crashers), Ed Helms (The Office) and stand-up Zack Galifinakis are all fantastic here.

For as much as this film is a comedy, it is just as equally a mystery movie. The audience is left in the dark along with these characters about just what exactly happened during their bender the previous night. At times this can be a little unnerving because of all the problems and damage that you see they've caused. You really begin to dread what exactly happened to them and by them. The movie does a very good job of slowly revealing everything and allows you to go through the roller coaster of emotions that these characters experience.

It would be a disservice to me to reveal any of those surprises, but I will say that each one is packed with laughs. Along the way, these guys run into a number of hilarious characters who help piece things together. Matt Walsh, Ken Jeong, and Mike Epps all show up throughout the movie and provide plenty of laughs. Heather Graham also shows up in one of her most tolerable roles ever, which is high praise on my part. Of course, best of all is the great cameo by Mike Tyson who is funny in the film beyond the scenes that you see in the trailers and commercials.

The real stars of the movie, however, are the three leads. Bradley Cooper gives his first performance that did not make me think of his psychotic character from Wedding Crashers. He showed me here that he's got what it takes to be leading man material. Ed Helms also does a nice job of breaking free of his Office persona and playing a realistic character. You really feel for the guy the way he's abused by his girlfriend (Rachel Harris), yet continues to try and defend her. And finally, I cannot say enough good things about Zack Galifinakis. His form of oddball humor shines in this movie and provides most of the film's best lines. I've been trying to sell people on his act for the past couple of years and I hope this film now gives him the exposure he deserves.

If the film has a flaw it's that it kind of peters out in the third act. The laughs aren't as frequent and everything gets resolved a bit too neatly considering all that has happened. However, the final scenes do feature a cameo from The Dan Band (they were the group that sang the crass version of 'Total Eclipse of the Heart' at the wedding reception in Old School). It was great seeing another crude performance by them. Best of all the montage that runs during the credits is one of the best payoffs to a film in a long time. You must do yourself a favor and stay through the credits to watch it, it is truly hilarious.

While unsettling at times, the mystery that unfolds in The Hangover is a lot of fun to experience. As the gang learns more, you see how far things spiraled out of control. Even once you learn how everything plays out though, I feel like this movie will have a lot of replay value. Similar to Old School, I think most people will find themselves continuing to giggle uncontrollably while watching this late at night when it comes on cable in a few years. This is a fun ride and a great summer flick. I know I don't have a lot to go on, but I'll go out on a limb and say it'll be one of the best films of the summer. If you haven't already, go experience The Hangover. Grade: B+

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