Friday, February 26, 2010

NMR: Whiteout

What could have been a cool mystery thriller turned out to be one moronic movie. Based on a graphic novel, the film stars Kate Beckinsale as a marshal in Antarctica who has to deal with the first murder ever on the continent. You would think that the artic setting would provide a cool backdrop for the film, but here it's merely used to create cinematic shortcuts. In the film's climatic battle between Beckinsale and the killer, it's impossible to see who's doing what because there's snow blowing everywhere and the two individuals are completely bundled up in winter clothes. While you can't see the action, you certainly can see the plot twists coming a mile away. I was calling them out loud way before they occured as I watched this film. I've never read the source material for this movie, but I have to believe it's way better than what was served up here. Then again, maybe I'm so sick of snow in real life I had a bias against this film from the start (Somehow I don't think that is the case though). Grade: C-

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