Saturday, February 6, 2010

NMR: Zombieland

I have so many other movie review yet to do, but I just saw this one and figured I would do a quick write-up for it instead since it's still fresh in my head. As most probably now, the zombie genre is not one that I'm particularly fond of. Yet, for whatever reason, the trailer for this film really captured my attention, so I thought I would give it a try. Turns out my instincts were right as this is a very fun film.

The premise is simple enough, Woody Harrelson and Jesse Eisenberg are two of the few remaining humans left on a planet inhabited by zombies. On their way to seeking sanctuary from the flesh craving monsters, they come across a pair of sisters (played by Emma Stone and Abigail Breslin) and team up as they head to an amusement park that they believe is zombie-free.

While the main characters are engaging and funny, the real delight of this film comes from a cameo by a well-known actor. The surprise is too good to reveal here, so I'll keep mum. Just trust me that this person's appearance is worth the price of admission alone.

Oddly enough, my largest complaint about the film is that it had a few too many dead spots, which certainly isn't good when the film is only an hour and half long. I was expecting a more consistent level of thrills and scares. Instead, the film moseys along and takes time to ponder the meaning of life in between blowing off the heads of the living dead. Even with the lulls, the films has enough to easily make me recommend it for a rental. I'm also hopeful that a sequel will be in the works that will up the ante from this one. Grade: B

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