Tuesday, August 9, 2011

NMR: Rango

This is such an odd film that I'm having difficulty identifying my feelings towards it. I think ultimately I admire the film more than I enjoyed it. This animated feature about a lizard (voiced by Johnny Depp) who's trying to find himself creates some interesting ideas, but I'm not sure if all of them work. Advertised as a kid's film, I'm questioning whether or not kids will actually enjoy it. The creatures that make up the cast aren't very cute or nice to look at. There's also several scenes that seem like they would come from the mind of Hunter S. Thompson. They're so bizarre and trippy, that they will downright confuse most younger audiences. The film also features homages to spaghetti westerns - another touch that's likely lost of kids. While I can appreciate those efforts more, I'm not sure if I was really seeking an animated Western that delves into the ideas of a existentialism. Still, the movie is absolutely gorgeous looking with wonderful colors and textures. I also think Depp gives a great three-dimensional performance voicing the title character. So while the film is technically sound, from a narrative standpoint it's searching for an identity as much as its main character. I don't see young kids enjoying this and I'd only recommend it for adults who enjoy the style or genre of film I've attempted to describe here. Rating: ***

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