Thursday, March 15, 2012

RBR: A Very Harold & Kumar 3D Christmas

Despite now seeing all three films in the Harold & Kumar franchise, I can't say that I've been the biggest fan of this series. The first one I found to be a novelty that had its moments of fun absurdity, but the second one I found to be a narrative mess that severly lacked in strong jokes. So it was with some trepidation that I watched this third entry that opted to not only tackle the holiday movie genre but also try to capitalize on the 3D craze sweeping films these days. While it may seem like a complete mismash of tone, these guys somehow make it work and create an enjoyable, albeit extremely raunchy, film. One of the themes the film attempts to establish in between gross-out gags is the difficult decision of making that transition from immature man-child into a full grown adult. While this is far from an original concept, it's perfectly suited for this duo as each is a portrayal of both sides of the argument. Harold (John Cho) shows us the successful but lacking in fun adult while Kal Penn's Kumar is the encapsulation of the irresponsible, yet always good time that the man-child represents. This time around their adventures revolve around trying to replace Harold's Christmas tree that accidentally gets burnt. As is always the case with these films, the jokes can be hit or miss. The ones that work are genuinely funny. I liked the addition of Thomas Lennon (Reno 911) as Harold's new straight-laced friend. He's always good for a few laughs. But as always, the film kicks things up a notch with the appearance of Neil Patrick Harris, aka NPH. The short time that he's on the screen is the best portion of the film and his presence creates a liveliness that the film needed. His interpretation of playing 'himself' is of course, legen...wait for it...dary. If you haven't seen it yet (and you're not someone who is easily offended) check this out during the holidays next year. Or if you're weird and like holiday movies all year round, then go ahead and give this a rental now. You'll be in store for 'high times' indeed. Rating: ****

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