Friday, March 2, 2012

RBR: What's Your Number

I really like Anna Faris and think she's talented, which makes it so frustrating to see her get attached to one crummy movie after the next. If only she could have a Bridesmaides-esque in which she could truly shine. What's Your Number is yet another familiar rom-com that makes the viewers go through one emotional hoop after another until it finally reaches its obvious conclusion. This time is centers around Ally, (Faris) who puts way too much stock in a magazine article which makes the claim that women who sleep with more than 20 men never find one to marry. Nearing the number herself, Ally begins revisiting past lovers in hopes of finding her perfect match. Credit the casting department for bringing on some funny guys like Joel McHale, Andy Samberg, and Thomas Lennon as some of her beaus, but their comedic talents are wasted here. Oddly enough, a lot of their best scenes were seen in the advertising for the film, yet not included in the film itself. Helping her in her quest is her lothario neighbor Colin (Chris Evans). Evans offers zero on-screen charisma despite the fact that the film attempts to present him as the perfect guy for her. The film offers a few chuckles but is largely a disappointment given the number of funny people here in this movie. Let's just hope for Anna Faris' sake that it will take less than 20 terrible films before she finds the one that will make her a star. Rating: **

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