Monday, April 16, 2007

Sunday Night TV

Amazing Race: A fairly ho-hum episode tonight. With this few teams left and knowing the finale isn't next week, it was obvious that this was going to be a non-elimination round. All of the tasks tonight seemed to be pretty cool, but they came off a little bland. I don't know if it was the teams involved in them or what, but the stunt car, kung-fu fighting, and kicking down doors activities did not live up to their potential. In the end, more airline problems for Eric and Danielle caused them to finish last and now they're marked for elimination. Let's hope the penalty is enough to eliminate them next week. At this point I'm rooting for the Beauty Queens, but won't mind if the Cha-Chas win. I'm worried though that one of them will suffer the yield that was teased in tonight's preview.

The Simpsons: I caught a couple of reruns that I hadn't seen before tonight. One dealt with the documentarian who had chronicled all of the Springfield folk over the past 32 years and was back for an update. The other involved Cletus' kids becoming singing sensations while Bart visited a psychatrist. Both of them had decent plots/concepts but were lacking somewhat in the humor department. Most new episodes seem to have an either-or method to them. Either the plot is strong but the jokes are tired/nonexistent. Or the humor is strong, but the plot is all over the place. I'm hoping they're saving all of their best material for this summer's movie.

Drive: I didn't bother with this. It seemed to have an interesting premise, but I just can't add another show onto my schedule right now. Especially one that is likely to be off the air again in 3 weeks. Such is the life of the mid-season replacement. Just ask Andy Barker P.I.

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