Friday, April 20, 2007

Thursday's terrific TV

Man, even without new episodes of The Office and CSI, we still had a good night of television.

30 Rock: Man, I thought I was in heaven when I saw positive Cleveland references on How I Met Your Mother. Now 30 Rock is showing Cleveland some love too. I cannot believe I just watched a show on national TV that had shoutouts to St. John Bosco and Big Creek Parkway. Totally awesome. Even if the focus had been on a city like St. Louis, this would have been a great episode. They are really doing a nice job of developing ongoing storylines like the Lemon/Floyd and Jack/Phoebe relationships. You also have Tracy's Jefferson movie subplot taking another hilarous turn with the Black Crusaders. It's a shame that this show is firing on all cylinders with only one episode left this season. I really hope people continue to tune into this show as it deserves high ratings.

Survivor: I've given this season a lot of flak for the lame have/have not twist. But they sure went a long way to redeeming themselves tonight. The last twenty minutes of the show was Survivor at its best. That was crazy seeing all the plotting and scheming going on. It was refreshing to see everyone trying to play the game. Too often you just have one or two who strategize while everyone else lays around waiting to see what will happen. Now, not everyone is doing a good job playing the game (I'm looking at you Dreamz), but at least everyone is putting in an effort. Best of all, the episode ended positively as Earl's alliance remained in tact. Now there's an immunity idol back in play and I have a feeling things are going to get a whole lot more interesting from here on out.

My Name is Earl: Not as good as 30 Rock or Survivor tonight, but they really set the bar high. This episode had its moments and once again was a solid episode. Give Earl credit for its consistency. It's rarely the funniest show of the night, but it never really has a bad episode either. Anyways, nice job by the casting dept. for getting Norm Macdonald to play Burt Reynolds son. Norm did great with the role and was very funny, in his jackass sort of way. I loved the shoutouts to Silver Spoons and the Fall Guy. I wonder if they'll get any flack for having a scene involving Norm's character shooting an actual gun at children. I wouldn't be surprised if that ruffles the feathers of a couple of people. Despite that faux pas, this was a good episode.


Anonymous said...

You want to know about my Thursday night? I watched the Braves get their tails beat by a lanky southpaw with an umpire too willing to let slip his disdain of the good old Bravos through actions like a huge strike zone for the Cubs and a tiny strike zone for the Braves, though who the hell is this Braves pitcher supposed to be anyway? Give me a break. Have we learned nothing in the past three years? Shesh!

Adam Gutschmidt said...

I'm sure it wasn't as bad as getting your a$$ handed to you for three straight games like the Yankees did to my Indians.