Thursday, January 31, 2008

Finally! Some TV to talk about

I know that this post is primarily for Lost's return, but I figure I'll mention the other new content that was on this week:

House: I have no idea what is going on with the braintrust at FOX. It's great that they saved a few episodes to air now, but why did they hold back this Christmas themed episode. Seeing that made the episode feel off in some ways, but on the other hand now that House has his new team finally picked this episode felt more normal than most of the episodes this season. The patient of the week had some pretty wild stuff going on including bleeding eyes, bones turning to stone and breast cancer behind her knee. But perhaps weirdest of all was her firm stance in always telling her daughter the truth. Of course, that put House on a mission to prove her wrong, which he manages to do. The secret Santa subplot provided us with some great House material. It also allowed for the new team to learn what he's really all about and it gave us our only House/Wilson moments, which are always great. Even though it's brief, I'm glad to have Dr. Crankypants back and will be interested to see what they do for their big post-Super Bowl episode.

Mythbusters: A pair of really cool myths dealt with last night. It's weird that the airplane on a conveyor belt (which was originally intended for the airplane myths show but got left off for some reason) generated so much debate from the online fans when this one was seemingly so easy to answer if you knew anything about physics. Still, seeing them do a large scale test of this was cool. Then you had the cockroachs surviving a nuclear blast myth. It's amazing (and very scary) that they were able to answer this one. But lo and behold, not only are cockroaches able to survive it, it appears several other bugs would as well. Let's hope we never have to see the day where this becomes a reality. Finally, the shaving cream prank one was pretty lame and was clearly added in just so they could ultimately destroy something. It wouldn't be Mythbusters if they didn't destroy some mode of transportation each episode.

Lost: And now the long awaited return!! And what an episode it was. I'm really liking the flash-forwards as they somehow manage to add more mystery to the show instead of giving us all of the answer. Who would have thought that Hurley would be chosen as the focus of the first episode. Doesn't Matthew Fox's contract state that he has to have the flashback/forward to begin and end each season? Back to Hurley though, I loved how we got so many callbacks in his story: the Camaro, Ana Lucia's ex-partner, the mental institution. All good stuff. I'm not sure what to make of what Hurley saw on the island considering it could be the island messing with him or it could just be his delusions. And even though he was only on for a small portion, Ben was just excellent tonight. He had a couple killer lines throughout the episode. Next week, the calvary finally arrives, but to do what? I sure can't wait to find out.

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