Saturday, January 12, 2008

NMR: No End in Sight

As I was waiting for my next disc to arrive, I watched this through Netflix's online service. I had heard high praise for this documentary after it had been released this past summer, so I thought, given that we're in the thick of primary season, I would check this out. If you're not familiar with the film, it goes into great detail the reasons why the Iraq war has become such a disaster.

The arguments made by the filmmaker are very compelling. Watching it, you feel as if you're listening to a prosecutor make his arguments in a case against the Bush administration. This strategy, while sound and at times sobering, did not make for the most watchable film. As I heard how things unfolded, I shook my head in disbelief, yet after a while I wanted there to be something more. I'm not saying that I was looking for the Michael Moore approach of trying to infuse pop culture references into a serious subject, but there needed to be something here to make the film more engrossing. Listening to how those in charge made one mistake after another wears the audience down.

By the end of the film you want some kind of closure to all of this, but it never comes. Perhaps I should have expected it with a title like No End in Sight. However, after finished watching it, I felt like saying, 'so what?'. Nothing about the film is very revealing, if you follow the news on a daily basis. All this does is simplify the past four years into a 90 minute capsule. If you like hearing what idiots the Bush admistration are, go ahead and check this out, otherwise, just go read a newspaper. Netflix rating: ***

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