Monday, April 27, 2009

Good luck Chuck

As we get closer to network's announcing their fall schedules, most of the news hasn't been good regarding the fate of NBC's Chuck. However, there was a glimmer of hope today when this story broke: Best Bet That Chuck Will Come Back

The article mentions the Subway campaign that's going on today to help fans show their support for the show. If you enjoy Chuck and would like to see it come back for a third season, please do yourself a favor and buy a Subway sandwich today. And then please tune in for tonight's season finale.

I hate begging, but desperate times call for desperate measures. The Nerd Herd needs you!

1 comment:

Chris said...

In any given year, there are about four television shows I watch. I loathe about half of what's on, and just dislike most of the rest. Half the shows I like get abysmal ratings and are cancelled after fewer than three seasons: Freaks and Geeks, its counterpart Undeclared, Titus, Studio 60, and Arrested Development, to name a few. Now, sadly, it seems that Chuck will go the same route, only this time not due to lack of viewers, but lack of creditable advertisement viewing (they're not counting DVR or TiVO viewers).

Sadly, it's another case of the lowest common denominator ("Dancing with Has-Beens") winning out over good, solid storytelling coupled with strong characters and a well-plotted serial. I just can't understand the fascination we seem to have with watching other people live. Television is an escape: if you want reality, watch the news and inform yourself.