Friday, April 17, 2009

NMR: Uncle Buck

I love John Candy movies and I used to watch them all when I was kid, however my parents would never let us watch this one. I always wondered what could be so bad about this seemingly innocent family comedy. Well I found out quickly when I saw the opening 10 minutes basically composed of a profanity-laced rant by children. How was this movie PG? A people complain about the ratings board now! Anyways, I wasn't only protected from adult material, but I was also protected from a lousy movie. I just did not enjoy this at all. It tries to present the usual John Hughes schmaltz with an undertone of dark humor that doesn't work at all. Most of the characters were loathesome and I was just waiting for it to end. John Candy tries his best and his presence is the only salvageable thing in this otherwise lousy movie. Once again I thank my parents for showing keen judgment by preventing me from seeing this for so long. Rating: **

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