Tuesday, August 18, 2009


So I went to Best Buy today to pick up the 12th season of the Simpsons on DVD, which just came out today. As is per usual with the most recent sets, there are two types of packaging for the sets. One is the normal box and the other is the box plus a plastic mask of whichever character is featured on this box art (this time Comic Book Guy). Well I have no use for some plastic mask, so I just got the regular box. I take it up to the counter and they charge me full price instead of the sale price listed in their ad. I question the clerk about this and after a lot of dumb looks and discussions with co-workers, they bring up a copy with the mask on and that one rings up for the sale price. After I pay, I ask if she'll just give me the regular box instead and she says that I have to take the one they scanned. I tell her that I'm just going to throw the plastic mask away, but that doesn't change her mind.

So long story short, both FOX and Best Buy should be chastized for their lack of eco-awareness. FOX shouldn't even be wasting the plastic in the first place by making those pointless masks (especially since the container that holds the DVDs is cheap and poorly designed). As for Best Buy, all they're doing is encouraging the wastefulness of the plastic since I can't see who in their right mind would have a need for the mask. I'm not a big "green" person, but this just seems stupid on their end of things. All it would take is some common sense and a few simple changes to curb this problem and stop this pointless use of plastic. /End rant

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