Monday, March 8, 2010

NMR: 2012

2012 might as well have been called 'disaster smorgsbord'. It basically takes elements from all the classic disaster films (Earthquake, Posideon Adventure, Towering Inferno, The Day After Tomorrow) and throws them all in here, yet fails to capture any of the charm that those films had. Now at times, the visual effects are cool, but there is nothing there to support them. The film centers around John Cusack and his family as they try to avoid death and get on one of the arks the government has been created to save as many people as possible. The problem is that I found none of the characters overly engaging or likeable, so I had no rooting interest in whether or not they lived. A lot of the film's problems would not have seemed that bad had it not been for the fact that the movie is over two and half hours long!!! I hope the real end of days (if it actually happens) goes a lot quicker. There are certainly other films which can provide you with better eye candy, so I don't see any reason why you should bother with this one. Grade: D+

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