Monday, March 22, 2010

NMR: District 9

I actually rented this film back in January but just recently realized I never did a review for it on here. This is typically a film I would have skipped, but when it generated such high praise and even Oscar talk (ultimately resulting in a Best Picture nomination), I figured I would give it a try. I can definitely see why it earned the adulations that it did. It is very creative in its storytelling, while also making some poignant remarks about how we treat other human beings. However, some of its creativity began to wear thin on me as the film progresses. It changes narrative styles throughout; sometimes it is shot in a faux-documentary style, other times a straight action thriller. I also wished they would have had a stronger finish. The way the film ended left everything a little too conveniently wide open for a sequel, whereas I would have preferred they concluded on a powerful image that would stick with you well past watching the film. I think on the sheer ingenuity of the film's storyline, it's worth checking out. However, I'm unlikely to watch it again anytime soon. Grade: B

1 comment:

Lauren said...

I thought this was a good review. I believe in my review I gave it an A. But then again, I'm a huge sci-fi and peter jackson film.
I actually loved the ending. Since the story ended on a sort of happy, kind of depressing note, I liked the fact that they left it wide open. Christopher promised to come back to save his people and help Wikus. When you see Wikus as a Prawn, you are hoping that Christopher comes back in a sequel. which I'm a sucker for a happy ending, so i NEED sequel :)

As for the faux-documentary and action style, I didn't mind it. I thought it was good in showing the two sides of things. The documentary was showing the viewpoint of everyone else, and the the other times, was from his point of view.

I totally respect and enjoyed your comments and thoughts :)